No really, it is. Ranked as one of the top 3 in the nation, of course it is! I went yesterday with my family and had a blast. The new polar bear exhibit is literally insane. Upstairs you can see them outside sitting in the sun, but the coolest part is the downstairs. You are underneath the water and get to see them swimming up above you. The best part was we saw them during their feeding time. I watch a polar bear jump above me and catch a fish. It was awesome!

But yeah, after that we went to the other exhibits. We saw a parakeet exhibit where you can bring a cup of nectar and they'll fly on you. I thought it'd be cool, until they started flying all over me and licking my neck. Then I stopped being so into it. It really freaked me out actually.

You can't really tell in the photo that there were tons all down my arm, but there were.
Nonetheless the zoo was a success.
Last Friday I also went out with the people from work for Juan's birthday celebration. We went to a fun dance club, where I passed through the "Latin Dance Room" and the "American Club Mix Dance Room" multiple times. It was a lot of fun.
I can't even wait to go to Mexico, but sadly that means the end of summer. Oh well, I am pretty excited to go back to school and start senior year for the last time!!! I can't believe I am in my last year of school though. It seems like just yesterday that I was entering college. Now I'm leaving it?! What has the world come to?! Oh well, law school ap's here I come!!!
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