
Today I went to class as I always do. My professor had a sore throat, and after the first class I had with him decided he would put on some Mexican music and let us all leave a half hour early. It was quite fantastic. He even mentioned he might be canceling class on Friday. Fabulous considering I haven't had my Tues/Thurs Latin American Geographies class all week due to my professor being at a conference.

I worked the ballot box for WCSA (student government) Senior Class President elections for one hour and then went to the meeting for Girls Varsity Golf. It's new at OWU and will officially begin next fall. I have signed up because it's one of the few sports I can still do and not have to worry about my stupid head. My high number of concussions keep haunting me. This weekend is Delt's Beach Volleyball tournament and Wednesday is the Student/Faculty soccer game. I can't partake in either. Go figure.

I am also still trying to figure out ways I can get large sums of money in order to go to Mexico for the Summer and live there. My Dad told me today that I need to pay for all of my housing next year, but I hope that means he is paying for food. I don't exactly have that $10,000+ just laying around. I already work 2 jobs and barely have enough to pay for the miscellaneous stuff here now! Add on housing and I might have to die. Therefore, I need to budget a little better on where the money I will be making is going. I AM GOING TO RETURN TO GUANAJUATO AND I WILL FIGURE OUT A WAY!!!!

I just walked into the locker room to go to the bathroom, and the same naked lady that is ALWAYS in there and ALWAYS naked was awkwardly walking around. I don't get that. Like seriously.

Anyway, I'm off to do my Recruitment Prep Workshop with the new members.

Miracle of my life #2: Someone believing I am trustworthy enough to run a ballot box
Fail of my life #2: Locker-rooms damage your appetite. Enough said.

1 comment:

  1. just rob a bank for the money...what is your pops thinking!?

    also laughing hysterically about the naked lady
