
I don't understand how people pull all nighters all the time

Nothing too much going on right now with me, besides the fact that I am wicked tired. I can't go to bed until really late tonight either because of the insane amounts of work I need to do. Last night I pulled an all nighter----with the help of mountain dew. I read an entire book and wrote my essay on it. The adrenaline is starting to wear off, but it will hopefully last until I need it to today. I am tempted to go home and skip WCSA, but I can't. What a devoted member of student government, eh? Anyway, I have to go to work an hour early tonight because I am doing some calling for the Athletics Program at OWU (Team OWU). At least it's another hour of pay, but at the same time I am just ready to go to bed. I have two more presentations due this week, but hopefully I will get them done soon, like today or tomorrow.

School is wearing me down. I really just am ready for summer and ready for a break. It's not so much the reading and writing of papers, it's the dumb one page analysis stuff on articles we will never mention or be tested on or the other things I have to do on top of the school work. I love the classes I am taking this semester, however. They're all 4 on the topic of Latin America, with 3 of the 4 mostly focusing on Mexico. I really think I could do something in regards to just studying and gathering information in Mexico, writing books maybe? Who knows. Maybe I could write Mexican childrens books, and produce them at a low cost to promote literacy amongst the young population of Mexico. Maybe I can go pass them out in areas that wouldn't otherwise have the resources. Or maybe I can work with people on how to succeed in an informal economy. I wish I could go there and do something more political, but because I am a United States citizen I can not do that unless I want to get deported for good. Oh well.

Well that's my rant of the day I guess.

Miracle of my life #5: I am still awake and surviving
Fail of my life #5: The lady in the Econ Dept. referred to me as the girl who applied for the ECON grant when I am not an ECON major today when I turned in my informal transcript and budget request. Well, that option went down the tubes real fast huh?

1 comment:

  1. howww did you stay up all night doing homework!? I could never do that!
