
dear blog

I am sorry I have neglected you for so long. I have been working non-stop and haven't had much of a chance to get on here.

Anyway, here's what's new in my life:

I got another job at night. I am the bartender at El Vaquero Restaurant in Shawnee Hills, OH. Pretty sweet, and even sweeter considering I am the ONLY white person that works there. hahaha It's awesome though, I can't complain. I have to go in tonight (yes, memorial day) in order to start up the Memorial Tournament. I wonder if Tiger Woods will be there or not? Weird. Anyway, yeah that comes every year and I heard it gets crazy around the bar! WOO more money but booo to mean people. Anyway, I have been working at the Chamber in the morning and then at the restaurant at night. This weekend was relaxing though, except for when I had to work. I went to the mall and got a few things from Vic Secret today, and also got this new Dior mascara that works like a charm! Of course I've also been stalking my favorite family, the Kardashians, on the marathons that have been happening on E!. Woo. Moving into the house in Delaware this coming Tuesday, but not really until next week because I'll be working soooo much! Literally every day but Saturday and Sunday it's 9am-midnight. And then on Saturdays its 5pm-12 and Sundays I am off. Crazy, but good money. Can't turn it down! :)


Sitting in the dorm room waiting to go to lunch with Dad before I start my shift for Alumni Weekend. This morning the cleaning ladies woke me up, again, screaming outside my door at 7am about how there is someone in room 409 and how they didn't know whether or not we are supposed to be here. NEWS FLASH. WE ARE! Annoying. Anyway, last night Geras and I finally broke it off for good and I am pretty sure he threw his phone into a toilet or a lake or something because he said he was going to and it's off. It sucks right now but it really is for the better. I can't just uproot and live there for another 7 or so years! And he is making no effort to get here, so it just can't be. Oh well, sometimes that's how life is. I heard this quote "sometimes good things fall apart so even better things can come together", and that's pretty much what is getting me through the day.
I hope I work and stay busy all summer to avoid being upset and sad. I need to be busy/around people, but seeing as how the situation is NOT that right now... I don't know what I should do.

I don't feel like doing that ranking thing right now.



I got an internship this summer with the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in Columbus. I am very excited. I go in on Friday to discuss everything with them and talk about how to start getting my application finished so I can get the government pay. And also my dad signed the lease for our house next year. This is so it's technically his house, not mine. I can live wherever he owns!
Anyway, something really stupid happened to me and I am glad I can record this somewhere to remember forever. I went to my exam today at 1:30, and had been sitting in the room studying for the past hour until I realized everyone was coming in that was in my Mexican class. I thought my Latin American History class exam was today, but actually it is tomorrow. My Mexican history class is today. I got them confused because they're by the same teacher in the same room, and therefore got the dates all mixed up. I got really upset and went into my teachers office almost bursting out tears. He told me it was fine and I could do the tests the way I studied them. Thank god for nice professors. Otherwise, I would have been screwed!

Needless to say today has been very interesting.

Miracle of my life #7: Got the internship! :)
Failure of my life #7: Cried in front of a professor


much time has been lost

but it's all be lost to studying.

That's right. It's exam week! Yaaay! Well at least I am almost done with my Latin American Geographies paper that is due tomorrow and am starting to study for the Latin American History test I have tomorrow at 1:30. After that I only have a Mexican History test on Thursday afternoon and I am completely finished! YAY!!! Next week I will be working Alumni Weekend and will hopefully be accumulating some money. I seriously need the paychecks!
Today I got an email from Professor Simon saying that the Chamber was looking for an intern that gets 30 hours a week and get's paid over minimum wage. That's awesome and a perfect resume builder! Of course I applied, so we'll see if I get it.
My resume is so random. I have experience in all types of things, and will only increase my broad range of activities this summer. I have an internship all of next year in University Development and have worked on phone soliciting (for the OWU Annual Fund), campaigns (Obama), and with lawyers. I am excited though, because hopefully I am opening a lot of doors for myself.
Today is the day that Geras' mother died. He is really emotional today, although he won't admit it. I feel really bad because I can't do or say anything that will be helpful besides "I'm here if you need to talk". He feels bad too because I guess his dad is really sick and dying down in Chiapas and he can't get down there. It's just a really sad situation.
Ah, back to studying.... slash watching the new Gossip Girl really fast.

Miracle of my life #6: I AM ALMOST DONE WITH SCHOOL
Fail of my life #6: I still have to go to the dentist twice to get this stupid crown put back on.