I neglected my poor little lonely blog yet again!
So I guess now is where I briefly catch everyone up.
Well, I went to Spain and Morocco, and now I'm back. It was awesome. Here's some photos to show how awesome it was.
Douna, her friends and I |
Getting Henna in Morocco |
Jim and I at the Kings old castle in Meknes, Morocco |
Jim in the plaza mayor of Meknes |
CODM (Meknes) against Ivory Coast |
Party in Salamanca |
Brandon Cannon everyone |
Nikita! |
Bestie, Darren, Mel and I |
Party! |
Milena's Italian/Mexican friends |
Soccer all the timeeeee |
Meknes, Morocco - Street Caption |
Milena and I |
And then I came back, my boyfriend in Spain broke up with me because he couldn't get a Visa for the U.S.A., so I got a new boyfriend. His name is Hasan, and he is awesome. Here are some pictures that show how awesome he is.
And I have been working on the Obama campaign and still working at El V's a couple nights a week. I am beginning my job search as we speak, in fact, I just finished a couple applications. I am also just enjoying this awkward time in my life, trying to hang out with friends and family whenever I can and looking for that next big thing.
So now that we're all caught up, let's see how long it takes me to fall off the blogging-wagon again...